
judge-made law中文是什么意思

  • 法官立法
  • 判例法, 法官法



  • 例句与用法
  • I believe it a more rational mode of law - making to give priority to enacted law with judge - made law as supplement
  • However , the complicated proceedings needed in enacted law also lead to lower efficiency compared with judge - made law
  • In general , judge - made law is also called judiciary - made law , case law and unwritten law , which means judicial functionaries formulate laws applied to individual cases by adjudicating specific lawsuits
    法官造法通常也称为“司法者造法” 、 “判例法”或“不成文法” ,是指由司法人员通过审判具体案件而制定出适用于个案的法律。
  • If judges can create laws at will beyond or even discarding the spirits and principles of present laws , authority - exceeding as far as arbitrariness of judicature will occur , which over - magnifies the power of judges with civil rights open to the threats of new judge - made law all the time
  • Because of the common law tradition , american law comes from four basic sources : the federal and state constitutions , statutes made by the united states congress and the legislatures of the various states , case law or judge - made law ( uncodified law based on judicial decisions ) , and rules and decisions formulated by administrative agencies collectively known as administrative law
    由于普通法系统的传统,美国法律有4个基本来源:联邦和州宪法,美国国会和各州议会通过的成文法,判例法或者说法官制定的法律(基于法院判决的不成文法) ,以及统称为行政法的由各行政机关制定的规则和决议。
  • Enacted law helps to maintain the universal applicability and relative stability of law , the respect of which is the general conditions of the whole society , while judge - made law takes more advantages in particular and flexible applicability of law , focusing on specific situations of individual cases
  • . firstlv we should exert the ability of judge to overcome the shortage of positive law , and aeeepl judge - made law . secondly we should absorb the law development mode of precedent in the case that we are lack of enough positive law . thirdly for the sack of the aim ruled by law , we should set up the authority of judge
  • 其他语种释义
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judge-made law的中文翻译,judge-made law是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译judge-made law,judge-made law的中文意思,judge-made law的中文judge-made law in Chinesejudge-made law的中文judge-made law怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
